Thriving Cities

A More Excellent Way – How Love Reconciles All Things

By Lynn Heatley.  In this section, I would like to speak on the nature and overflow of the love of God and how it is an essential aspect in the ministry of reconciliation. In the twelfth chapter of the first book of Corinthians, Paul speaks of the value of spiritual gifts and how all the gifts are needed to have a wholeness that reflects the nature of Christ.  He then transitions into the next chapter by calling his readers to a higher place; a place of understanding of how love is more important than any particular gift.  He summons us to come up higher to a broader place of understanding and lifestyle:  “And now I will show you the most excellent way”.  We will benefit greatly as we follow the Lord in this call to a more excellent way.

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The Bridge Tribe

by Lynn Heatley.  Intro:  I was in an email conversation a few months back with someone from the ReconciliationSchool ( We talked quite a bit about the nature of one who identifies themselves with what I have come to term as the “bridge tribe”. I actually got that understanding through a time of prayer with the Lord. Fawn has encouraged me to expand a bit more on what I have shared, so here it is. I hope that it encourages you and perhaps gives you a bit more understanding.

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A Call to the Net: Divine Seasons of Networking

by Lynn Heatley.  Have you ever had those times of revelation where you felt like a “lightbulb” went on in the interior of your soul?  Sometimes, the Lord leads me on treasure hunts, except usually, I do not understand that I am on one until all the clues suddenly appear together and then they say something dramatic.  So my story begins.

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