
Creating a Culture of Wellness in the Workplace

by Lynn Heatley.   Last week, I had the opportunity to sit around a round table and chat with other leaders about best practices of implementing “wellness programs” in the workplace.  It was an enthusiastic group that shared from a place of diverse practices.  And it represents a new trend to bring greater wellness to the workplace. 

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Finding Soul Satisfaction

By John Ortberg.  Interview by Greg R. Taylor.  The soul, for many, is a topic deep and mysterious. Some like John Ortberg, pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, consider the soul the most important part of who we are. Recently, Greg R. Taylor, who ministers at Garnett Church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sat down with Ortberg to talk about his new book, Soul Keeping and how people can find soul-satisfaction.

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The Father Heart of God

By John Dawson. Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Is it hard for you to believe He loves you as much as the Bible says He does? God is so big and He sometimes seems so distant – but what is He really like? Do you really know Him? You’ve heard His instructions, but do you know anything about His emotions or His character?

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How Pastors and Intercessors Can Work Powerfully Together as a Team

By Lynn Heatley. The partnering together of pastors and intercessors is an issue of vital importance in the church today. When these two gifts are joined together, I believe the power of God is unleashed in remarkable ways. An important understanding of the interdependency of each of these gifts is vital for team building. My purpose in this article is to seek to convey how the offices of pastor and intercessor best work together, and how they are called to serve one another. What follows are some observations on how the roles might serve and compliment one another.

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Praying with a Tampered Ephod – Honoring the Different Tribes of Prayer

by Fawn Parish.  It might have turned into a serious reconciliation event, except for the obvious fact that God decided to throw a party. The whole crowd threw away their bulletins to join Him. People embraced each other like long lost relatives at a family reunion. All that was missing was the Macarana. People were thrilled to be together. God was definitely making His people joyful in His House of Prayer.

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Spiritual Formation: What it is, and How it is Done

by Dallas Willard.  A few scripture passages point us to the place in human personality that is the focus of spiritual formation… Proverbs 4:20-24 reminds us to keep the words of God’s wisdom “in the midst of your heart,” and that from there “they are life to those who find them, and health to all their whole body.” (vss. 21-22 NAS) Then comes the exhortation, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” (vs. 23).

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Flows of Grace

From Lynn Heatley. Lately, I have been thinking about seasons and how they flow with various intensities.  And it reminded me of the ebb and flow of waves….always constant, never changing.  As I pondered this, I began to see God’s grace in how He arranges life….flows of intensity along with flows of rest, a time to work and a time to sleep, a time for winter where the fields go silent and deep and times of harvest with much activity and outflow.

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Jesus Wept

By Lynn Heatley.  I have been thinking about deep things like life, death and eternity this past week.  Actually, I often do a lot of thinking about these things since I am a hospice nurse and God has made me to live in deep waters!  But what stirred my heart recently was thinking about a story from the Bible.  It is found in the book of John and it talks about a friend of Jesus, named Lazarius, who had just died…

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