
Wisdom for City Leaders – Podcast

Podcasts for City Leadership Teams

Author Reggie McNeal has written some fabulous books that speak wisdom in to leadership development and city transformation.  He is doing a podcast on each of his 8 chapters from his latest book called “Kingdom Collaborators: Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn the World Upside Down”  Here is a link to the podcast.  Start at #10 on the list for the podcasts relating to his book.

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A Call to the Net: Divine Seasons of Networking

by Lynn Heatley.  Have you ever had those times of revelation where you felt like a “lightbulb” went on in the interior of your soul?  Sometimes, the Lord leads me on treasure hunts, except usually, I do not understand that I am on one until all the clues suddenly appear together and then they say something dramatic.  So my story begins.

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The Basic Principles of Biblical Peacemaking

by Ken Sande.  The Bible provides us with a simple yet powerful system for resolving conflict. This system is summarized in The Peacemaker’s PledgeThese principles are so simple that they can be used to resolve the most basic conflicts of daily life. But they are so powerful that they have been used to mediate and arbitrate bitter divorce and child custody actions, embezzlement situations, church divisions, multi-million dollar business disputes, malpractice lawsuits, and terrible sexual abuse cases. These principles are briefly discussed below. 

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