
Insights for Adapting Public Spaces in a Post-Pandemic World

September 2021

This is a great read, enjoy! From the website: Reimagining the Civic Commons

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Creating a Culture of Wellness in the Workplace

by Lynn Heatley.   Last week, I had the opportunity to sit around a round table and chat with other leaders about best practices of implementing “wellness programs” in the workplace.  It was an enthusiastic group that shared from a place of diverse practices.  And it represents a new trend to bring greater wellness to the workplace. 

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Options of Care After Discharge

By Lynn Heatley. In the healthcare profession of discharge planning and case management, we know the importance of explaining all the possible options to a patient and their family or DPOA in order to help them make the most informed decision. This summary is designed to assist you in your conversations with your patients and families.

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Jesus Wept

By Lynn Heatley.  I have been thinking about deep things like life, death and eternity this past week.  Actually, I often do a lot of thinking about these things since I am a hospice nurse and God has made me to live in deep waters!  But what stirred my heart recently was thinking about a story from the Bible.  It is found in the book of John and it talks about a friend of Jesus, named Lazarius, who had just died…

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Healthcare and the Hidden Heroes

By Lynn Heatley. Yesterday, a small group of people met to share their journey of what they are seeing in the realm of healthcare. It was a wonderfully diverse group of people that shared their areas of expertise regarding the health of our Body, Soul and Spirit. Amongst us were nurses, pastors, administrators, educators, advocates, and missionaries. All have a heart to see God bring an increase of excellence in care to the multitudes that are in need and to share the love of God in practical ways. I felt extremely blessed to be a part of such a beautiful group of people and look forward to what God will do as we simply meet together and seek the heart of God for His direction. They are all hidden heroes within a very fragile and changing system.

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