By Lynn Heatley. I wanted to update you on some new things going on my way! We have been praying for and blessing the city of Riverside and beyond for the last several years. As we prayed, we felt inspired to simply host some Roundtables around the Sectors of the City and we felt led to begin with Healthcare.
Long story short, we began to have conversations about the need to get people insured which led us to partner with some other organizations…which then led us to apply for a grant which has now resulted in a new job! So, although I still work in a limited capacity as a Hospice Nurse, I am NOW (as of August 2013) a Certified Educator for Covered California (which is how the Affordable Care Act is rolling out in California I have spent a lot of time in prayer about all of this. As an RN, I see the many cracks that individuals fall in to regarding a lack of health insurance and feel led to apply my efforts in bringing help and reform towards a common good in communities….and I have the privilege of being assigned Riverside and San Bernardino counties (which is the area I have lived all my life). It is my chance to give back into a region that poured into me at a younger age.
So…what does this mean? My role as a Certified Educator will be to do presentations for churches, businesses, groups, schools, health fairs, etc to educate people on the new Healthcare options that are becoming available beginning January 1, 2014 (although enrollment starts in Oct 2013). My long time friend, Terri, is also with me in this journey as God has repositioned us to work towards a common good in the realm of health in our cities. We are working under a grant and our role as an Certified Educator will end Dec 31, 2014. We continue to come alongside other leaders in the various sectors in the city of Riverside and beyond through our nonprofit of: Healthy Leaders Thriving Cities ( to support the work of supporting leaders in the different sectors of cities. It is quite an exciting time.
Today, we did our first presentation. Tomorrow, we speak at a Town Hall meeting and Thursday, we are at a Back to School night. We are learning as we go. One of the words that I have been pondering is is the word “hybrid”….and to think upon that word when it comes to broken systems. I sense that God wants to take some of the old and add some new and do a new work in the realm of healthcare. Many would say that our present healthcare system is a mess and “unfixable” but several of us feel led to step into this broken system and pray for God’s goodness to come forth and for new, creative ways to be discovered that will help people. It promises to be an adventure and we so desperately need your prayers. I have seen so much suffering due to people not having health insurance for a variety of reasons. I want to see people get help and to not get bogged down with all the political conversations around this subject.
Thank you for your prayers as I begin this new adventure. Also, if you are interested in myself or Terri coming and doing a presentation for your church or organization, please email me.
Blessings and grace to you in this season,
Lynn Heatley