A Word to the Company of Josephs

by Lynn Heatley.   Recently, I was asked to share an insight that God gave me years ago. It was a time when I was working as an associate pastor on a church staff and my husband, a businessman, was leading in his company. I had struggled in our marriage with the belief that my husband needed to become more involved in ministry life. After a time of prayer, the Lord gave me some divine insights that changed my whole way of thinking. This also led to a time of repenting to God and to my husband for my wrong way of thinking and for putting false expectations on him. God showed me the very important role that marketplace leaders serve in today and how they are specifically gifted and called to serve Him in His kingdom purposes. I saw my husband and his role in the business community as wonderfully God-appointed and was able to partner with him in excitement and support instead of my previous place of judging him.

This is the insight that God revealed, followed by a word of encouragement from the Lord for those who serve God in their jobs today….
God first highlighted the three different Josephs to me that are spoken of in the Bible. He shared with me their vital role and how they served God in world-changing ways.

The first Joseph, mentioned in the book of Genesis, was the one who wore the coat of many colors. This Joseph had much favor from the Lord but went through many trials before his true promotion came forth. He chose God over the temptations again and again. God used him to save His nation from famine with the gifts of wisdom and management that He had given to him. (Genesis 37-47)

The second Joseph was the one who was chosen by God to father Jesus. This was such a high honor – to father the one who Abba Father sent to save all of humanity. A humble servant who was a carpenter by profession, Joseph was given such an extreme entrustment of fathering and providing for the Son of God. (Matthew 1, 13)

The third Joseph was the one who was a prominent business leader in the community and bought a tomb for Jesus after his crucifixion. At the most vulnerable state of the Father’s beloved Son, he chose Joseph, a wealthy businessman, to secure a gravesite to house his Son’s holy and broken body. That tomb would eventually be the birthplace to the resurrection of His Son – this act changing the course of all mankind. (Mark 15)

All 3 Joseph’s were men who served God in their jobs in the community/marketplace. All 3 were given extreme positions of honor from the Father’s hand. All 3 had very significant roles to fulfill for all of humanity.


The church has not always honored well those who are present day Josephs. Those who are CEOs of companies, to those who are carpenters and tradesmen and every profession in between; those who are serving the Lord with their hands and minds in the marketplace.

The Lord is speaking a word of encouragement to the company of Josephs – the men and women who are serving the Lord faithfully in the marketplace – those who are choosing to represent Christ in a non-church setting:

You are in the exact place I have called you to. You are no longer to feel lesser than because you do not have the title of Pastor after your name, for I say to you that you are a Pastor to My flock in the marketplace. I have placed the ability to acquire wealth in you, not for the storing up of pleasures for your own fulfilment, but for the housing and feeding of those who are needy, for the spiritual parenting of those you lead and to serve as a Priest in the community. For I say to you that you are My Priest in the community and I would no longer have you be downcast in your soul regarding your leadership, for I have placed you as My Leader to those who would never step into an organized place of worship. You are my portable House of Worship and I desire you to now step into this role of authority in your workplace so that I can use you to re-present me to all those you come in to contact with. Stop thinking that your only service for Me is on Sunday morning for I desire you to come into the truth that you are activated Monday through Saturday as well, with all that I put in your hands to do. Are you willing to accept this new place of responsibility and authority? Ask of Me, come boldly before Me, for I have all the resources you need to enable you to be my Representative. I need you in your workplace. I have many to send your way for you to influence for My sake. I long for your co-laboring with Me in all areas of your life. Trust me in this new place that I am calling you to. Seek Me in this and I will answer all your questions. I am far bigger than your thoughts and your fears. I stand ready to help you and give you My grace in all that you set your heart to do for Me. I love you with an everlasting love and desire to co-labor with you in the work of your hands, the desires of your heart and the plans of your mind. Trust Me. Surrender your work into My hands and I will lead you into a whole new way of seeing my handiwork through you in your workplace.

Lynn Heatley
Healthy Leaders Thriving Cities

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