By Lynn Heatley. Yesterday, a small group of people met to share their journey of what they are seeing in the realm of healthcare. It was a wonderfully diverse group of people that shared their areas of expertise regarding the health of our Body, Soul and Spirit. Amongst us were nurses, pastors, administrators, educators, advocates, and missionaries. All have a heart to see God bring an increase of excellence in care to the multitudes that are in need and to share the love of God in practical ways. I felt extremely blessed to be a part of such a beautiful group of people and look forward to what God will do as we simply meet together and seek the heart of God for His direction. They are all hidden heroes within a very fragile and changing system.
I have had the privilege of being in the area of end of life care for the past 6 years and have been deeply humbled as I have been privileged to know so many hidden heroes in the realm of healthcare and caregiving. I have met so many families that are giving of themselves in loving and caring ways, often at the expense of their own health. I have also had the privilege of knowing many healthcare workers who go the “extra mile” and give of themselves to patients and families in need and provide an excellence in care that is way above the ordinary. There are even hidden heroes within our communities who dispense care and kindness to those around them in practical ways. Just today, when I was walking and seeing our Sparklett’s Delivery man in our neighborhood, I was reminded of the delivery man who delivered water to us several years ago. He would take time out of his busy schedule and talk with my dad who lived with us and who was very lonely and loved to share a good story. After my dad had died, this man came to deliver water and, after hearing the news of my father’s passing, had tears in his eyes and recounted the many conversations they had and how he had reminded him of his own father. I was so impacted by his simple way of showing kindness and dignity to my father in his season of need.
Mercy and kindness shine forth in stunning ways. And although they are often hidden to the majority, these acts of kindness are always seen by our God and celebrated in heaven (see Acts 10)
May we be ones who aspire to show forth God’s mercy and kindness to those around us and may we hear the applause from heaven.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you. But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 (NKJV)
Grace, Peace & Joy! -Lynn
Beautifully written, Lynn!