The River is Beginning to Rise in Riverside!

The Lord knows when to send words of encouragement to all of us when we need it the most!  We recently have received many words for the city of Riverside and also for us personally at The Lords House….affirming and confirming!  Ezekiel 47 speaks of a River from God that begins to rise gradually and then eventually overtakes and brings life and healing to all that it touches.  We are beginning to see the river of God rise in this city…and it is beautiful to behold and to be in!

Here is an encouraging word from Chad Taylor that the Elijah List (  posted on March 28th!

Chad Taylor: “Riverside: The Tree of My Planting is About to Bear Much Fruit”

by Chad Taylor   Mar 28, 2012  Elijah List

From the desk of Steve Shultz:  I grew up in Riverside, proposed to my wife in Riverside, was almost stabbed in Riverside with a meat cleaver and another long knife. Two guys went to prison because I picked them both out of a lineup. I bear witness with this word from Chad Taylor.

  Chad Taylor: “Riverside: The Tree of My Planting is About to Bear Much Fruit”

Psalm 1:3 “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

On a recent ministry trip to the Riverside, CA area and Colton, CA, just north of Riverside, I was struck with a vivid vision that played itself over and over in my spirit. It was so vivid and stunning I was in awe of its possible meaning. The vision unfolded like this:

 His Hands Could Move Mountains

I saw Jesus leaning from Heaven, His profile filling the sky. His body filled the immediate horizon as He stooped down low to the ground as His hands came into view. They were giant hands – hands that could push a mountain aside or clear a pathway with ease. The Scripture from Isaiah 49:16 filled my heart as I saw the Lord’s hands fill my view, “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands…” I knew right then that this vision was a moment of remembrance for this region, city and state as the Lord seemed to condescend to those of low estate.

As I was transfixed by the enormity of Jesus’ hands, what He did next was amazing. He leaned even lower and scooped up into His giant hands a massive body of land – like a child would grasp a handful of dirt or sand. Jesus put His hands deep into the soil of Riverside, and with cupped hands He lifted the mass of land toward His face. I could see trees still standing, buildings, roads; everything was perfectly in place and even roots of trees dangled below. It was like a miniature city or a ship inside a bottle, everything was intricately intact.

What happened next I will never forget, as Jesus intently gazed into the massive body of land which was the city of Riverside and outlying areas, He inhaled deeply then breathed into the land! I instantly recalled the same scenario in John 20:22 when Jesus breathed on His disciples, “And with that He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'” Jesus was literally breathing LIFE and RESURRECTION into Riverside, CA and the entire Riverside County and beyond!

God’s “Mission Revival” and a City of Kings

The historic centerpiece of Riverside, CA is the Mission Inn. The name itself is prophetic and symbolic. Riverside is a city with a divine “Mission” in these end-times and will be a hub of missionary endeavors to the nations. The Mission Inn is the largest Mission Revival Style architectural building of its kind in the nation. Even the style of architecture is a prophetic picture, “Mission Revival”. It has been a center piece of Riverside for over 125 years.

Riverside and the Mission Inn have been visited by 10 U.S. Presidents: Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Gerald Ford, and George W. Bush. The Nixon’s were married there and the Reagan’s honeymooned at the Mission Inn. An Esther inheritance dwells in this “city of kings” and God’s MISSION is about to be revealed.

A City of Esther and God’s Undertaking

Like the story of Esther, she found favor with the king and a great deliverance came from it. Riverside will be a rod of deliverance in the hand of God as He sends out His “Kings and Priests” from her with His Mission for the nations. They will bring unprecedented revival as they go and millions will come to the knowledge of Christ and His Salvation. The enemies ordinances that have been brought against her and mistakes made in the past will be pushed aside as God’s will suddenly takes precedence.

Esther found favor with a hostile king of Persia, and God, in this season, will make Riverside’s enemies her friends as His favor undertakes Riverside’s future. The next 12 months will be a removing of stumbling blocks that have hobbled the region in the past as God hoists the city from the pit of pride and unforgiveness. Mistakes of past leaders will be blotted out as reconciliation takes center stage. Colossians 2:14 will become an anthem of what God is doing in Riverside and the outlying providences: “He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the Cross.”

Riverside: A City Upon a Hill That Cannot Be Hidden

Once a year at the Mission Inn they have a “Festival of Lights” where an estimated 3 million Christmas lights are showcased. God is trimming the wick and filling the lamp so that He can be lifted up in Riverside and millions drawn to Him. A “Festival of Lights” in the spiritual landscape is about to light the darkness and set the captives free. Africa will be a “sister” nation as well as Australia as a highway of missionary zeal compels many to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.

Jesus told the crowd in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” The word “hidden” in the Greek translates, “to conceal, keep secret, or hidden”. What Jesus was saying to those that would become His Church, “You will not be concealed or hidden anymore, you will not be in secret or obscurity.” Riverside County is now rising out of obscurity and will no longer be hidden any longer. Riverside will lead many cities out of darkness as the light shines out. Riverside is a lighthouse on the shores of end-time circumstance.

God is laying siege to our cities and the ley-lines of revival are becoming very clear. He is breathing into the “dry bones” of what often appears to be insurmountable circumstances and raising our destinies from the grave. Riverside was also a catalyst during the “Jesus Movement” decades ago, and the residue of revival still lingers on her streets and sidewalks like a volcano waiting to explode once again. The wind of God is even now beginning to blow.

Ezekiel 37:9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.'”

Chad Taylor,   Consuming Fire Ministries,  Email: info@consumingfire.com

1 Comment

  1. Joyce Smith
    April 12, 2012 - Reply

    I came to my cumputer to start my work day and saw this e-amil and word for Riversde. This morning the Lord was speaking to me about the River of Life. He is calling me to come, drink and live at the River. I was drawn in to His immense eternal living waters. He showed me how He gives us temporal gifts to carry, then to be released as deposits in eternity. We are adding to our capitol in heaven as we are willing to release our earthly burdens, sorrows and treasures to Him.
    I have lived in Riverside County for 32 years. My husband and I raised our children here and we have lived, laughed, loved and cried over this land.
    I have served as a Prayer Leader over Riverside County and have walked and driven and prayed over almost every mile of this land……… I’m invested.
    I am currently walking through some very deep waters in my life and I am again struck by God’s amazing timing and faithfulness to encourage and lift me up just when I need it the most.
    I add my prayers to the fulfillment of this vision and the many, many other prophetic words and and visions which God has given to us for our land.
    May we, His hands and feet and heart, be willing and faithful to obey and follow after His purposes …… to come, drink and live in the “River of Life” in Riverside. In Jesus name, Amen!

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